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i am a very beautiful girl,but there still some you can try:if you are poor ,please more clever . if you are fool,please more handsome .if you are ugly,please more rich.
the Buffett have said:"the most important invest is,to marry a right people."i cant agree with him,if i marry a man,that because i think i would live better then.
1,i have visit harvard once,then a newspaper interview me:“do you want marry a man from harvard ?"i said yes . when i am in shanghai ,i buy a newspaper with a lot of company CEO pictures in it .then i see that pictures and ask myself:"do you want this people to be your boss ? ”i said no . I have sit in a bustling street,there walked a lot of men,then i see every men and ask myself :"do you want this people to be your husband ?"i said no.
though i only see one handsome man outside the business school . and i am not sure he has a harvard degree . yes, i want my husband Interested in political and Economic/Financial . i mean he want to be the US President or have him own International company one day . at least ,he dont mind me do it.if you dont have harvard degree. you graduate from a Ivy League is ok .yes, you must has a master's degree.
2,I have been a celebrity(star) in china . i do it not because i am Vanity . that because i cant get a good job but i must save myself.(too much young people cant get good job and good income . they cant get Apartment,dont have bank savings ,never dream to get married).i mean if i can get a job to have enough income for my life,i would never do that thing.i Neither Singer nor Actor,never need famous . i am good at marketing, Advertising,and network promotion . thats why i can publicity myself. any way, people know me from a TV SHOW. then a video website Interview me .i am been Spread in internet,about Seventy percent chinese people know me .i have been reported by CHINA Daily,CCTV,xinhua website and other TV,newspaper,Magazine and all the Media. then some company Invite me publicize their Product . after i get enough money which i want . i think i hate this life and went to america to get another life . at that time,i am 25.then the chinese people forget me very soon, i only keep my weibo(chinese twitter)there has two million followers in my page . nobody know me in america.i dont like to come back china any more.i would get my own company there one day , but i must get a husband frist . i get a new job there,and went to work sometimes . i mean sometimes i never work and waste time on Watching TV,play games online,and Travel,Shopping and other thing . that's why i always very poor,i am a Lazy woman.
3,i am 28years old.but still dont have Apartment,no good job,no husband. i am very sorry about it.i was born a very small and poor village from chongqing . for the people there,went a high school and take university is a very far and impracticable dream,a Family income one year about 4000RMB . but the university must cost about 50000RMB . i graduate from a Normal College . one reason is it very cheap,one reason is to be a teacher is a Stable and Enviable job in china.but i dont like to be a teacher though my Parents love it very much. i only do teacher's work 2 years and resign then to went to shanghai,at that time ,i am 22.
somebody would said ,if you only from college,how you marry a good educated man? yes,you are right . as the Statue of Liberty always stand in the new york, you can Pursue everything you want . i have said if a man marry me ,that because he love me ,not because i compel him ,i cant compel anybody ,i only can compel myself .that is why i never get marry at this old age.
i cant accept AA system of marriage or pay for a man . if i get an AA system of marriage , there is two thing i am worry about,one thing is like he want to buy a $7000000 Apartment,he can take out his $3500000,but i am too poor to take out my own $3500000.the other thing i am worry about is, maybe one day he buy a 10 dollar meat from supermarket . then he said he cost 20 dollar for it and ask me give him 10 dollar . anyway , if you dont want pay for me , please dont say you love me . your love is very cheap.

  毛病一 缺乏安全感加上强烈的自我保护  爱情中的处.女女生,经常都会处于“害怕分手”的状态中,她相当的缺乏安全感,加上强烈的自我保护,更容易令她们在爱情的道路中感到很无助和不知所措。
  毛病二 不顾一切去付出  巨蟹女生是个天生属于多愁善感、容易动情的人,在恋爱生活中,最令她在意的是对方对她够不够好,而不是自己付出多少,只要认定了对象,便会不顾一切地付出。
  毛病三 会义无反顾自欺欺人的本性  “坚忍”与“毅力”是摩羯女的最大特性,只要她下定决心去做一件事,就一定会义无反顾,勇往直前,甚至不顾后果,尤其是谈恋爱。她那绝不服输的性格,有时甚至会近乎自欺欺人的地步。
  毛病四 无可救药、盲目浪漫主义者  恋爱中的双鱼女生,绝对是个无可救药、盲目浪漫主义者,她经常认为有了爱情就等于拥有全世界,因而忽略了爱情现实的一面,把一切想得太美是她的致命伤。而一向给人花心感觉的水瓶座,骨子里其实最介意爱侣对自己不忠,所以她对恋爱的唯一要求,便是要绝对的忠贞而已。
  毛病五 毫不保留地付出一切  相信没有人可以抵挡狮子女生的热情,当她投入恋爱的时候,她毫不保留地付出一切,虽然热情会带给另一半温暖,但过分的时候,便会容易灼伤对方。
  毛病六 对爱情固执盲目牺牲  金牛女生对爱情固执得有点吓人,当她认定一个男生或是一段感情的时候,就算是撞了南墙也不回头,也丝毫动摇不了她的信心,她会甘心作小鸟依人,盲目地听从对方差使。
  毛病七 什么事情都要讲求平等  天秤女生一生都在追求着事事平衡,对爱情也是这样,这正是为难别人,也为难自己,但要她放弃,似乎比较困难吧。而白羊女生向来都希望别人与自己有相同的想法,当期待与事实产生差异时,她便会大发雷霆,无法接受。
  毛病八 非常害怕孤独感  射手女生非常害怕寂寞,所以她往往很容易便投入爱情,然后也很快地清醒,很快地后悔,幸好她转移注意力的速度也是非常地快罢了。
  毛病九 道德观念依然守旧  双子女生在爱情上常表现得反复无常,但对道德观念依然守旧,她执着起来的时候,甚至会将她平日的冷静及贪玩的形象完全破灭,令你觉得她是变了另一个人。
  毛病十 性与爱完全奉献  说实在的天蝎女生在谈情说爱时,是绝对讲求“灵欲合一”,因对她来说,性也是爱情的重要部分,但是当付出都得不到回应的时候,她那带有毁灭性的爱,可会令对方不知所措。